Family Council

Partnering with families is vital to ensuring the success of our students and schools. We recognize that we cannot fulfill our mission of preparing students to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college without the support of our families. Schools and families are equal partners in supporting students, and we must develop the capacity of all constituents to support overall student learning.

History and Vision Statement

We are a diverse community of families who partner with our child’s school, teachers, leaders, and community. We network, share responsibility and experiences, and create resources to strengthen relationships, bridge gaps, and build partnerships as Roxbury Prep families.

(Vision statement written and developed by Roxbury Prep families, revised September, 2018.)

We are a diverse community of families who partner with our child’s school, teachers, leaders, and community. We network, share responsibility and experiences, and create resources to strengthen relationships, bridge gaps, and build partnerships as Roxbury Prep families.

(Vision statement written and developed by Roxbury Prep families, revised September, 2018.)

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a parent or guardian of a current Roxbury Prep student, you are welcome to join the council at any time during the school year.

You are welcome to join one or more family councils across the Roxbury Prep network. You are not limited to joining one family council.

Family council meetings are led by its members and school leaders with the support of the Associate Director of Family and Community Engagement, and other school staff as needed. We build projects, plan events and fundraisers, and are solutions oriented.

The family council will decide how often they would like to meet in the year. Typically there are 4-5 meetings in the year, with sub-commitee meetings as needed.

We are mindful of your busy schedules, so meetings will not exceed 90 minutes. Times vary by location; please reach out to your child’s school for specific times.

If you cannot make it to a meeting, we can work something out! We are happy to host a conference call or video chat so you can join us remotely. We can also share the meeting notes with you. If you need these accommodations, please contact the Director of Special Projects at your child’s school.
